Waste less, compost more
Who we are
We are a local group dedicated towards creating programs and events which reduce waste and encourage composting. We are made up of residents throughout Ku-ring-gai with different areas of expertise and passion. We hope to empower the community to reduce waste, encourage a circular economy and promote organics recycling.
Top 20 Waste-free actions
Use loose tea to make a cuppa
Start a worm farm
Refuse plastic bags
Use hankies instead of tissues
Use reusable cups for takeaway drinks
Sort my garbage every week
Buy second hand clothes
Choose glass containers over plastic
Choose to repair instead of throwing away
Join a recycling/share community
Bees wax wraps – not plastic wraps
Wash hair with a shampoo soap bar
Use plant based bin liners
Recycle used toothpaste and cosmetics
Buy produce from co-ops or bulk stores
Freeze leftovers
Pickle and preserve
Write a letter to govt about banning takeaway cups
Write a letter to a manufacturer about reducing packaging
Join the Ku-ring-gai Composting Network
Make your own Beeswax wrap
These are a great alternative to using plastics such as cling wrap and zip lock plastic bags. Using scrap fabric cut into squares of different sizes you can then melt beeswax onto the fabric to create a pliable material to seal containers and wrap avocados, cucumber etc.
Download our FREE step-by-step guide(PDF, 269KB)
Find a Free-Cycle site near you
Composting Network
We are connecting residents who want to be either a Host (accepting others organic scraps) or a Guest (taking your scraps to someone's house/apartment). We have over 70 participants across Ku-ring-gai and we need more!
Find out about our Composting Network
How to start a compost or worm farm
Visit our information page to get tips and tricks and even access discounted bins.
Find a Composting Network host near you!
Maps below show you both the size of the hosts compost bin at their location and the type of composting system they have for you to contribute your scraps to.
Hard-to-recycle map
The champions within this group have collated an extensive list of items that cannot be placed in the red or yellow bins, such as e-waste, textiles, metals, soft plastics and sharps. Explore the online map to find drop-off points. This will be an ever-evolving project with more locations added. Let us know if we have missed anything!
Explore the Hard to recycle map
Community organisations
Find out more about St Ives Towards Sustainability and One Street. Two of the not-for-profit groups working with our Net Zero Champions to make great things happen in your neighbourhood.
Join our volunteer team!
Get in touch with us to join the WhatsApp Chat and share your ideas on reducing waste and organics recycling.
Join the private Facebook group now
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