Council's emissions
In 2018-2020, Council approved our Climate Change Policy(PDF, 376KB) and Towards Zero Emissions – 2030 Action Plan(PDF, 2MB). These frameworks provide a pathway for Ku-ring-gai Council to continue to respond to the challenges of climate change and play a leadership role in engaging the community to reduce emissions.
Councils emissions from three 3 main sources: fleet (vehicles), street lights and fixed assets (buildings). Key targets include:
- Net zero emissions by 2040, or earlier and a 50% reduction, by 2030.
- Achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030, whilst pursuing efforts to reach this target by 2025.
- 100% reduction in Council fleet emissions by 2040.
- Investment in proven and emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, building efficiency and renewable energy.
How are we going?
What is Council doing?
In 2022, Council signed a record-breaking renewable energy deal providing 100% renewable energy through a joint tender with 24 other Sydney Councils. We are on track to reducing emissions by more than 50%, 7 years earlier than our 2030 target.
With power coming from the Moree Solar Farm, this ensures electric vehicles used by Council’s fleet, our facilities and public EV chargers are zero emissions.
This builds on over 55 energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives implemented at Council facilities.
- Annual cost savings for Council of greater than $320,000/yr
- Annual energy reduction for Council of 2,700,000 kWh/yr.
See below for more detail.
Upgrades to LED street lighting
Streetlighting represents the largest use of electricity and energy by the Council.
Our membership of the Street Lighting Improvement Program has resulted in a 33% reduction in streetlighting energy use over 15 years with ongoing reductions.
When Ku-ring-gai Council first joined the program, we had the oldest street lighting technology in the State with 2x20W fluorescent lights being the default for residential streets. We are now leading the State, with the majority of street lights using LED technology. Council’s current streetlighting electricity supply contract is with a solar farm in north NSW.
Further reductions in consumption are planned with more electricity sourced from renewable energy, enabling us to meet our Net Zero streetlighting targets very soon.
Electric vehicles for Council's transport fleet
We currently have 3 electric vehicles within the Council fleet with plans to incoporate more.
Electric charging stations
Fourteen public electric vehicle chargers have been installed at Lindfield Village Green commuter carpark with more planned very soon.
Rooftop solar at 10 Council sites
Council’s solar capacity has doubled in the past 3 years to 440kW. We currently have systems/sizes installed at the following sites:
- Bridge Street Administration Building - 20kW
- Suakin Street Depot - 100kW
- Bancroft Art Centre - 12kW
- Thomas Carlyle Childcare Centre - 19kW
- North Turramurra Sewerage Treatment Plant - 41kW
- Gordon Library - 52kW
- Turramurra Library - 29kW
- St Ives Library - 25kW
- East Roseville Community centre - 16kW
- Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre - 126kW.
LED lighting upgrades at 13 community sites
Lighting upgrades have been completed at the following sites:
- St Ives Community Centre
- West Lindfield Community Centre
- Gordon Old School Building
- East Roseville Community Centre
- West Pymble Community Centre
- Bancroft Art Centre
- Thomas Carlyle Childcare Centre
- St Ives Community Groups
- Turramurra, Gordon and St Ives Library
- Bridge Street Administration Building
- Suakin Street Depot
- Louise Lennon Pavilion
- Douglas Pickering Pavilion.
Solar hot water at 10 community sites
We currently have solar hot water systems installe at the following sites:
- Roseville Chase Oval
- Thomas Carlyle Childcare Centre
- Lindfield Oval (Tryon Oval)
- Gordon Library, Turramurra Oval (memorial)
- Golden Jubilee Oval
- Old Bushland Depot
- Wildflower Garden Pavilion
- Wildflower Garden Residence
- Marion St Theatre - Lower Floor Solar.
Heat pump upgrades at 2 community sites
St Ives Showground (grandstand) and St Ives Showground (residency).
Improvements to HVAC (air conditioning) controls at 7 Council sites
We have made improvements at the following sites:
- Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre
- Gordon Library
- Council Chambers
- Thomas Carlyle Children’s Centre
- Gordon Library
- Suakin Street Depot
- Bridge Street Administration Building.
Smart metering and/or automated monitoring systems at 18 Council sites
We have installed systems at the following sites:
- Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre
- Gordon Library
- North Turramurra Sewerage Treatment Plant
- Gordon Golf Course Sewerage Treatment Plant
- St Ives Showground
- 828 Pacific Highway, Suakin Street Depot
- Council Chambers
- Lindfield Library
- Turramurra Library
- St Ives Library
- Bancroft Art Centre
- Thomas Carlyle Children’s Centre
- Gordon Old School Building
- Bridge Street Administration Building
- Former Council Nursery and Nursery Dwelling
- Pymble car park Pacific Highway.
Energy efficiency upgrades
Upgrades of pool filtration and pool heating plant at the Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre.
Intelligent lighting controls
We have installed controls in the Gordon Library.
The Cities Power Partnership
Council is a part of The Cities Power Partnership, which celebrates and accelerates emission reduction and clean energy across Australia.
Cities Race to Zero
Council is a member of this global campaign pledging to recognise the global climate emergency and commit to keeping global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. Read more